Institute of Optical Materials and Technologies
"Acad. Jordan Malinowski"

Ongoing and completed projects:

National projects

Ongoing projects:
  • National Science Infrastructure INFRAMAT. Contact Person for IOMT: Ass. Prof. Katerina Lazarova, PhD (

▸ Completed projects:

National projects

Completed projects:

European Union

Ongoing projects:
  • "Plenoptic Imaging (PLENOPTIMA)", Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie (ITN) Grant Agreement 956770, coordinator for Bulgaria prof. Elena Stoykova, DScPhys, 2021–2024

▸Completed projects:

European Union

Completed projects:
  • Dissipationless topological channels for information transfer and quantum metrology", TOCHA project, H2020-FETPROACT-01-2018, Grant Agreement 824140,coordinator for Bulgaria prof. Vera Marinova, DScPhys, 01.2019-06.2024
  • SilverCross “Mass production of silver halide recording material for full colour holographic applications”;
  • “3DTV - Integrated Three-Dimensional Television - Capture, Transmission and Display”, N 511568 6th Framework Network of Excellence, 2004 -2007.


Ongoing projects:
  • COST Action CA20116 - European Network for Innovative and Advanced Epitaxy 27/09/2021- 26/09/2025, ( Prof. DSc. Vera Marinova- MC member for Bulgaria

▸Completed projects:


Completed projects:
  • COST Action CA17123 “Ultrafast opto-magneto-electronics for non-dissipative information technology” MAGNETOFON 03.10.2018-02.04.2023; ( Prof. DSc. Vera Marinova- MC member for Bulgaria
  • Action CA15107 “Multi-Functional Nano-Carbon Composite Materials Network” (MultiComp) 2016 – 2020, MC substitute for Bulgaria, coordinator from IOMT Prof. V. Marinova, DScPhys, Action CA15107
  • Action MP 1402 “Hooking together European research in Atomic Layer Deposition” HERALD 2014-2018, MC for Bulgaria, coordinator from IOMT Prof. V. Marinova, DScPhys, Action MP1402
  • Action МР 1205, Advances in Optofluidics: Integration of Optical Control and Photonics with Microfluidics, coordinator from Bulgaria Assoc. Prof. Dimana Nazarova.
  • Action D20
  • Action P8
  • Action МР0603
  • Action МР0604
  • Action МР1102, Chemical imaging by coherent Raman microscopy, project coordinator from Bulgaria Prof. DSc V. Sainov.

International Scientific Cooperation (EBR)

Ongoing projects:
  • “Emergent Materials Enabled Next-Generation Integrated Optics, Optoelectronics & Spintronics: from Fabrication to Applications” (2024 - 2025), Department of Electrophysics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, project coordinator Prof. Vera Marinova
  • “Two-dimensional nanomaterials toward terahertz optoelectronic applications" (2023- 2025), Istituto per la Microelettronica e Microsistemi (CNR-IMM), Rome, Italy, project coordinator Prof. Vera Marinova
  • “Transparent electrodes for advanced liquid-crystal tunable devices”, CNR, Istituto per la Microelettronica e Microsistemi (CNR-IMM) Project leaders: Dr. Dimitrios Zografopoulos (CNR-IMM) ; Prof. DSc. Vera Marinova (IOMT-BAS) (Jan 2019-Dec 2022)
  • “Multifunctional Optical and Magnetoelectric Materials and Applications” Department of Electrophysics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan project coordinator Prof. Vera Marinova, DSc, 2019-2022.
  • “Transparent electrodes for advanced liquid-crystal tunable devices” , CNR, Istituto per la Microelettronica e Microsistemi (CNR-IMM) Project leaders: Dr. Dimitrios Zografopoulos (CNR-IMM) ; Prof. DSc. V. Marinova (IOMT-BAS) (Jan 2019-Dec 2021)
  • Department of Electrophysics, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan – “Multifunctional Optical and Magnetoelectric Materials and Applications ” project coordinator Prof. V. Marinova, DSc, 2018-2020.

▸Completed projects:

International Scientific Cooperation (EBR)

Completed projects:
  • "Universal Materials for Photonics and Opto-Magneto-Electronics" (2020-2022), National Yang Ming Chao Tung University, Department of Electrophysics, Taiwan, Prof. DSc. Vera Marinova
  • "Multifunctional liquid crystal devices with alternative transparent electrodes",(2019 – 2022) Institute of Microelectronics and Microsystems (CNR-IMM), Rome, Italy, Prof. DSc. Vera Marinova
  • "Multifunctional Optical and Magnetoelectric Materials and Applications " (2018–2019), National Chao Tung University, Department of Electrophysics, Taiwan, Prof. DSc. Vera Marinova
  • Department of Electrophysics, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan – “Materials for photonics and magnetoelecronics with new functionalities” project coordinator Assoc. Prof. V. Marinova, DScPhys, 2016-2017
  • Physical Department, University of Antwerpen, Belgium "“ 2D materials and their heterostructures: deposition and study of the optical, electrical and magnetic properties ", project coordinator Assoc. Prof. V. Marinova, DScPhys, 2015-2017;
  • Academy of the Science of the Czech Republic-“Thin nanostructured films for application in nanophotonics”, project coordinator Assoc. Prof. R. Todorov, PhD, 2014- 2016;
  • National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan - “Contemporary materials and devices for applications in photonics and opto-electronics", project coordinator Assoc. Prof. V. Marinova, DScPhys, 2014-2015;
  • National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan - “Photosensitive materials and their applications for optical information processing", project coordinator Assoc. Prof. V. Marinova, PhD, 2012-2014;
  • Academy of the Science of the Czech Republic-“Hybrid structures from chalcogenide glasses and optical polymers for sensors applications”, project coordinator Assoc. Prof. R. Todorov, PhD, 2011- 2013;
  • Laboratoire Catalyse & Spectrochimie (LCS) ENSICAEN - Université de Caen – CNRS, France, “ Optical properties and sensing applications of multi-layered systems consisting of chalcogenides and microporous nanomaterials (colloidal zeolites) ”, project coordinator Assoc. Prof. T. Babeva, PhD, 2012-2013.
  • Physical Department, University of Antwerp, Belgium “Optical properties modification of complex oxide materials for photonic applications”, project coordinator Assoc. Prof. V. Marinova, PhD, 2012-2014;

Operational programs

Ongoing projects:
  • OP "Science and Education for Smart Growth", BG05M2OP001-1.001-0008, "Creation and Developments of Centres of Exellence", coordinator for IOMT: Prof. N. Malinowski, DScChem

▸Completed projects:

Operational programs

Completed projects:
  • OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME “Development of competitiveness of Bulgarian Economy” 2007 – 2013 - Project BG161PO003-1.2.04-0034-C0001, “Development of applied research in IOMT through elaboration of high-tech optical materials for advanced applications”, Project Leader Prof. DSc Nikola Malinowski
  • Human Resources Development Operational programme – support for publication of scientific papers in referred databases and journals with impact factor – 4 projects
  • Human Resources Development Operational programme – support for publication of scientific papers in referred databases and journals with impact factor – 1 project


Ongoing projects:


Completed projects:
  • M-ERA NET 2D-SPIN-MEM "Functional 2D materials and heterostructures for hybrid spintron-memrist devices" 24/10/2019 -24/06/2024 Project coordinator for IOMT: Prof. Vera Marinova

Ministry of Education and National Science Fund

Ongoing projects:
  • "Nanoscale 5p – block metals and silver coatings for plasmonic applications" КП-06-Н38/8
  • "Transition metal dichalcogenide nanomaterials for optoelectronics and photonics" КП-06-Н-68/1 30.11.2022 -30.11.2025 coordinator Prof DSc Vera Marinova
  • “Controlled hybrid ALD/CVD synthesis of 2D transition metal dichalcogenides” Project coordinator for IOMT Prof. DSc. V. Marinova, КП-06-Н-58/12, 12.2021-12.2023
  • „Nanostructured thin films based on ZrO2 and ZnO for applications in various optoelectronic devices and gas sensors“ КП – 06 Н 38/7 project coordinator Konstantin Lovchinov, PhD, 2019-2022
  • Mechanism of birefringence increasing in anisotropic media by doping with nanoparticles, КП-06-М38/2, coordinator of the research team: Assist. Prof. Nataliya Dimitrova Berberova-Buhova, PhD
  • "Tunable optical elements based on holographic, computer generated and chiral structures", КП-06-Н38/15, coordinator Prof. Lian Nedelchev, PhD, 2019-2023
  • "Coherent optical methods based on multi-spectral and structured illumination for comprehensive study of biological objects", КП-06-Русия/7, coordinator Prof. Elena Stoykova, DSc, 2019-2023
  • “Synthesis, structural and luminescent properties of tungsten glass containing“ , KП-06-Н29/7, project coordinator Assoc. Prof. R. Tomova, PhD, 2018-2021.
  • “New glass-ceramic materials with rare earth ions for LED applications”, KП-06-Н29/10, project coordinator Assoc. Prof. R. Tomova, PhD, 2018-2021.
  • “Advanced multifunctional structures based on graphene and 2D materials”, КП-06-Н-28/8 coordinator for IOMT Prof. V. Marinova, DSc, 08.12.2018-25.03.2023
  • „Biochip based on new plasma structures and nano-structured bio-recognition elements“, Н 18/8 coordinator Assoc. Prof. G. Dyankov, PhD, 2017-2020.
  • „Developing solid dye laser environments with high photostability“, DM 18/7,coordinator Assist. Prof. H. Kisov, PhD, 2017-2019.
  • „Optical and quantum-electronic elements and devices based on wedge interference structures for laser and optoelectronic techniques, optical communications, metrology and spectral analysis“, DN 17/7, coordinator for IOMT Prof. Elena Stoykova, DSc, 2017-2020.
  • „Recovery and application of waste materials from the ether-oil industry for the "green" synthesis of metallic nanoparticles“, DN 17/22,coordinator for IOMT Assoc. Prof. D. Karashanova, PhD, 2017-2020.
  • „Synthesis of coal ash zeolites for adsorption, catalytic destruction and detection of atmospheric pollutants“, DN 17/18, coordinator for IOMT Prof. Tsvetanka Babeva, PhD, 2017-2020.
  • „New azo materials and application of their photophysical properties as reversible optical recording devices“, DN 18/5 coordinator for IOMT Assoc. Prof. D. Nazarova, PhD, 2017-2020.
  • “Deposition and characterization of nanosized films from oxide-zeolite composites, polymers and graphene for implementation as active media for optical sensors”, DN 08/15, coordinator Prof. Ts. Babeva, PhD, 2016-2020.
  • „Comparative methods for diagnostics of Helicobacter Pylori infection“, КП-06-Н33/1 from 13.12.2019, coordinator prof. d-r Borislav Vladimirov, DScMed, 2020-2024.

▸Completed projects:

Ministry of Education and National Science Fund

Completed projects:
  • „Atomic layer deposition of dielectric nanolayers on 2D materials as active platforms for multifunctional devices“, DN 08/09, coordinator for IOMT Prof. V. Marinova, DSc, 2016-2020.
  • “Ultrafast opto-magneto-electronics for non-dissipative information technology”, КП-06-КОСТ/1, Prof. V. Marinova, DSc, 2018-2020.
  • "Holographic imaging, beam shaping and speckle metrology with computer generated holograms", DN 08/13, coordinator Prof. E. Stoykova, DSc, 2016-2020.
  • Reversible polarization holographic recording in anisotropic azopolymer based nanocomposites, DN 08/10, coordinator Assoc. Prof. D. Nazarova, PhD, 2016-2020.
  • “Zeolite nanostructures for optical applications", DRILA 01/13, Rila program for bilateral science and technology cooperation between Bulgaria and France - Program RILA 2014 г., coordinator Assoc. Prof. Ts. Babeva, PhD 2015-2018.
  • Surface relief formation study on polarization holographic recording, ДМ 08/01, coordinator N. Berberova-Buhova, PhD, 2016-2018.
  • ”Novel hybrid structures based on photorefractive crystal-liquid crystal and graphene”, FNI Т0226, project coordinator Prof. Vera Marinova, DScPhys, 2014 - 2018;
  • ”Novel hybrid structures based on photorefractive crystal-liquid crystal and graphene”, FNI Т0226, project coordinator Prof. Vera Marinova, DScPhys, 2014 - 2018 - Results from completed project
  • Carrying out an International autumn school on fundamental and electronic crystalography, ДПМНФ01/39/6.10.2017, coordinator Assoc. Prof. D. Karashanova, PhD, 2017-2017.
  • „Nanostructured liquid crystals for tunable photonic devices“, DFNI-TO2/18, coordinator for IOMT Assoc. Prof. G.Dyankov, PhD, 2014-2017.
  • „Advances in Optofluidics: Integration of Optical Control and Photonics with Microfluidics“, coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dimana Nazarova - 2015-2016.
  • “Humidity sensors comprising new metal oxide and oxichalcogenide nanostructured materials”, NSF, ДО 08-148, 2009-2013, project coordinator for IOMT res. associate B. Georgieva, PhD;
  • “Trapping phenomena and their implications on long term reliability of nano-dimensional metallic electrode / high-k dielectric structures”, NSF, ТК-09-0002, 2010-2013, project coordinator for IOMT Assoc. Prof. P. Sharlandjiev, PhD
  • “Measurement of thickness of textured and nano-crystal films taking in account the secondary extinction and X-ray absorption”, NSF, Х-1507, 2005-2011, project coordinator Prof. DSc I. Tomov;
  • “Microwave assisted processes for formation of nanocomposite materials”, ВУ-ТН-205/2006, 2006-2011, project coordinator for IOMT Assoc. Prof. G. Danev, PhD;
  • “Organic photovoltaics based on low molecular compounds and polymer semiconductors ”, NSF, ДО 02-254/, 2008-2012, project coordinator Assoc. Prof. J. Assa, PhD;
  • “Self organization of a conductive nanofibers during electrospinning of polyelectrolytes solutions”, NSF, ДО 02-237/, 2008-2012, project coordinator for IOMT Prof. DSc N. Malinowski;
  • “Bacteria sensors based on nanostructured ZnO films, nanoparticles and nanowires ”, NSF, ДО 02-207/, 2008-2012, project coordinator for IOMT Prof. S. Kitova. PhD;
  • “New amorphous and glassy materials based on Ge for sensing applications ”, NSF, ДО 02-123/, 2008-2012, project coordinator for IOMT Assoc. Prof. K. Petkov, PhD;
  • “Research, development and fabrication of prototypes of micro-heating elements for high-tech applications”, Ministry of Economy and Energy –national innovation Fund, 5ИФ-0249/, 2009-2011, project coordinator for IOMT Assoc. Prof. B. Mednikarov, PhD;
  • “Photonic crystals for sensors applications ”, MEYS ДНС -7РП 01/18, 2011-2011, project coordinator Assoc. Prof. T. Babeva, PhD;
  • “Chemical micro-imaging through coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy”, MEYS ДКОФ7РП 02/111, project coordinator Prof. DSc E. Stoykova.
  • “Nano-sized holographic investigations”, MEYS ДО 02/155, project coordinator Prof. DSc S. Sainov.
  • “Digital holographic microscopy with spectral marking of the studied objects”, MEYS, ДКОСТ01/7/, 2012-2015, project coordinator Prof. DSc V. Sainov


Ongoing projects:
  • Synthesis and study of 2D selenides and sulfides of transition metals and their heterostructures as components of devices in optoelectronics, photonics and sensors, prof. Dimitar Dimitrov, PhD
  • Coherent methods for holographic visualization, beam shaping and monitoring of processes, prof. Elena Stoykova, DSc
  • Tunable optical elements based on holographic, computer generated and chiral structures, Assoc. Prof. Lian Nedelchev, PhD
  • Study of tissues and multi-layered structures by optical coherence tomography, assoc. prof. Violeta Madjarova, PhD
  • Theoretical study of electron structure and optical (linear and non-linear) properties of organic compounds and complexes, assoc. prof. Silvia Angelova, PhD
  • Multilayer porous structures for optical detection of volatile organic compounds, prof. Ts. Babeva, PhD
  • Hybrid structures based on graphene and 2D materials for multifunctional devices, prof. Vera Marinova, DSc
  • Nanostructured thin films and multilayer coatings of metal and semiconductor, assoc. prof. R. Todorov, PhD
  • Hybrid inorganic-organic materials for applications in solar cells and optical recording, assoc. prof. Deyan Dimov, PhD
  • Development of OLEDs, assoc. prof. R. Tomova, PhD
  • Bio/gas sensors based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR), assoc. prof. G. Dyankov, PhD
  • Obtaining and optimizing the properties of thin film coatings from ZrO2 and ZnO, assoc. prof. K. Lovchinov, PhD
  • Investigation of morphology, microstructure and phase composition of nanomaterials, thin layers and volumetric samples, assoc. prof. D.Karashanova, PhD

▸Completed projects:


Completed projects:
  • Holographic imaging, beam shaping and speckle metrology with computer generated holograms, prof. E. Stoykova, DSc
  • „Development of mesopore oxide thin films with application in ecology”, DFNP-17-97, project coordinator PhD student R. Georgiev, 2017-2019.
  • „Improving the parameters of photoinduced birefringence by introducing nanoparticles of TiO2 into azopolymers”, DFNP-17-57, project coordinator PhD student G. Mateev, 2017-2019.
  • „Preparation of nanostructured layers of ZnO and graphite-based materials by electrospray and external electromagnetic effect for applications in optoelectronics and sensors”, DFNP-17-56, project coordinator PhD student G.Marinov, 2017-2019.
  • „Intelligent thin-film structures for optical detection of volatile organic compounds”, DFNP-199/14.05.2016, project coordinator Assist. Prof. K. Lazarova, PhD, 2016-2017.
  • „Synthesis of new iridic cyclomethate complex compounds and their use as phosphorescent emitters and dopants in white organic light-emitting diodes”, DFNP -148-А1/12, project coordinator Assist. Prof. P. Ivanov, 2016-2017.